Forgotten Philly Facts and Weekly Wrap Up
If you read my post, Philadelphia Marathon Recap, then you saw that I did a few things different this cycle. I forgot to include two of the changes I have made.I bought an Orange Mud Hydraquiver this summer and have been using that with handheld water bottles, when they are needed. I have a bladder that I've never fully enjoyed using. The hydraquiver works perfectly for me. Most of the time I forget that I'm even carrying all that fluid on my back. I'm super thrilled with this purchase.

Monday I headed back to work. I felt fantastic. I mean really great. I was able to fly up and down the stairs with no pain. I really wanted to run but knew I better take the day to rest. I had a follow up chiropractor appt. He was really shocked at how well my body handled the travel and the marathon.
Tuesday brought the same level of feeling really good. I sent a quick message to Coach Silver Fox to see if he had any major reservations to me getting a few miles in. I got the green light as long I took it easy. VERY easy. I kept my pace well within my assigned easy pace and My Musician and I got out for a run. I wanted to run at least 3 but when we hit the 1 mile mark, I knew the smartest choice was to run around. I didn't hurt or anything but I could feel the tired in my legs.
Wednesday and Thursday were all about Thanksgiving prep and Friday was all about being a slug.
We did get out for an easy 4 miles on Saturday. We had a couple of competitive pickups in there and I hit some paces I was not expecting.
I'm really looking forward to getting back into the routine of my runs. Taper wasn't much of a decrease in mileage but it sure was a decrease in the difficulty of the runs. I enjoy my tempo and speed workouts. They can't show up on the calendar soon enough.
You can follow along with me here for my next marathon cycle.
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